The Excellence of Everything that Surrounded Jesus, by His Will

Now, while to the Divine Maternity have been attributed the loftiest supernatural privileges that are known to Mary, theology has yet to fully develop the magnificent role of St. Joseph. For, as her spouse — he was necessarily clothed in supreme excellence.

As Mary was for Jesus the best of mothers, Joseph was also for Him the best of fathers. Truly, with what devotedness did St. Joseph care for the Child Jesus; with what untold dedication did he watch over the Blessed Virgin! The few references to the Holy Patriarch in the Gospels show us a giant of faith and confidence, but leave to our piety and Catholic theological sense the sublime task of completing his image.

Now, to be truly a father is to epitomize within oneself the excellence of all the activities of a man. St. Joseph, zealous and responsible in his paternal duties, undoubtedly fought for the sustenance of the Holy Family. However, this was the least elevated of his prerogatives. With the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus, he alternately assumed —  according to circumstances — the role of supporter, consoler, guide and counsellor, of ruler and leader, of protector and defender, of instructor and director… In short, although Jesus had no need of this, He wanted to depend of Joseph, so that in everything He would be like us.

Heralds of the Gospel Magazine, March 2019

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