Come and Adore Him

As if nothing extraordinary had happened to her, She said with extreme affection: “Joseph, my spouse, come and adore the Child!”

The Child looked and smiled at His father who could not contain his tears.

Saint Joseph: A True Crusader of the Light

Saint Joseph was an incomparable hero, a true Crusader of the Light; in short, the man in whom the Holy Trinity placed all trust. His strength was profoundly linked to his virginity, since integral purity is the only one capable of producing, within the human heart, the energies needed to face difficulties with resolute spirit and total certainty of victory.

Model of Chastity and Strength

“Being married to She who is called the Mirror of Justice, and being the adoptive father of the Lion of Judah, Saint Joseph must have been a model of sapiential physiognomy, of chastity and of strength. A firm man, full of intelligence and criteria, capable of taking charge of the secret of God. A soul of fire, ardent, contemplative, but also abounding in kindness.”

Plinio CorrĂȘa de Oliveira

The Strong Arm of the Almighty

The little Jesus was already sheltered by the affection of the best of mothers, but to defend Him from so many risks, only one man was chosen: Joseph, whom the Eternal Father Himself set to be the virginal father of Jesus on this earth. He would be the strong arm of the Almighty, guiding and safeguarding the Son of God and His Most Holy Mother amid myriad perils.

Accordingly, Saint Joseph was a man gifted with the highest wisdom, indomitable vigour, and spotless innocence. He, like none other in all of History, united the shrewdest intelligence to the most integral purity, thus becoming a key element in the victory of good over evil.